zondag 29 september 2013

One month!!! (and a little more)

so it's been over a month since I left for Japan, wow! since I don't have that much free time and I don't spend that much time on my laptop I haven't really had an oppertunity to update my blog, but I plan to post more often from now on!

First of all, I'm doing great! Japan really is an awesome country! the people are so nice and polite (sometimes a bit too polite) and I am really enjoying my time here! My hostfamily is awesome, they're so nice! they take me to a lot of places and even though it's 'only' been one month, I have seen a lot of things! in this post I'll try to make a summary of what I have been up to for those who are interested :)

First week

I must say, the first week was the most hard week of all, after the exhausting way to Japan we had an orientation camp in Tokyo, it was great, but really tiring! we had to get up early every day even though most of us were exhausted.. I didn't sleep at all on the plane, but luckily I could sleep well at the orientation because of that! And because of that I barely experienced a jetlag! on Sunday we went by bus to meet our hostfamiles, I don't think I have ever been this nervous. meeting your new family, the people you are going to spend the next year with, it was nerve wracking! they had been waiting for over an hour because we missed our bus (it wasn't our fault!!!) after taking pictures and meeting our LP's we went seperate ways, to our new homes. in my case, we went to McDonald's. my new home here ;)

we went for lunch since they were pretty hungry from waiting and all. I wasn't really hungy, but I won't refuse food, and it was better to eat, to get used to the rhytym here. if you know me a bit, you know I hate mayonaisse or any kind of sauce, it makes me sick! I didn't want to be picky but mayonaisse? no way! so I asked of they could order without mayonaisse, no problem at all! I had a chicken burger, it was so good! I'm in love with chicken, seriously! after that we went home and they showed me my room and explained some things. I gave them some souvenirs from the Netherlands and they really liked them! from my older hostsister I got a shirt that she bought in the USA (she went there on exchange). the next days I went shopping with my hostmom for an obento-box and some schoolstuff and on monday we went to settle some stuff at my new school, and to measure the size for my uniform! after that we went to have lunch together with my LP and the chapter president at starbucks, this was probably a bad idea because ever since I'm addicted to frappucino's and ice blast cocoa.. oops!

on wednessday it was my first day of school, another nerve wracking moment, even more nerve wracking than meeting my new host family. imagine a school full of people who look different, speak different and all look at you, and there is no way to blend in. luckily I didn't have to do a speach in front of the whole school like a lot of people had to do, phew! I only had to give a presentation in front of my class, which went really well! so after that I had 3 days of normal school, which weren't really special or anything. in the weekend I had japanese class with the people from my chapter, Alexia and Sandro. the lesson itself was okay, and after that we went to have lunch. we could pick food and drinks up to 500 yen in the store, I think we spent about 45 minutes deciding what to eat, so many things to choose from!! after that we went to Machida, for some shopping but we ended up spending our time in a gaming centre. it was a lot of fun, and we played all sorts of games. after that we took some purikura, it was hilarious! since this was our first time we didn't know how it worked but we figured it out!

the next day some friends of my hostsister would come to visit and make takoyaki (octopusballs) if there's something I don't like it's seafood, but I tried anyway! and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! :) even so, I didn't eat a lot, just because seafood isn't my thing. at all.

in this week I also became really sick, not once but twice, it turns out I'm allergic to shellfish!

Second week

this week my school had tests, but since I can't really understand japanese I didn't have to take any tests. so they put me in a room without air conditioning for 4 hours... riiiight! it was super hard to fight my sleep, and the first hour or two I studied but after that you reach your limit of concentration, and since there was no distraction, sleeping was my escape. I had something to look forward to because after school we were going to go to 'sweets paradise' which is basically all you can eat sweets version! I ate so much food! they had like 40 different kinds of cakes and pies, pudding, pizza, pasta and fries. and not to forget a chocolate fountain and ice cream! after that we went to a gaming centre, played some games and took some purikura, all in all, a lot of fun!!

that saturday I went to Odaiba with some friends, for those who don't know what  odaiba is, it's the harbor of tokyo, well, next to it. we strolled alongside the beach, and went to palette town, which has this huge ferris wheel! we went in it and the sights were amazing!

the next day I went to Tokyo university with my hostmother and hostsister, we went to see and origami exhebition and after that we had lunch in a french-style restaurant. I had the beef, it was really good! it had been a while since I last had a big piece of meat and this was just great!

the next days I went to Ikea, and an all you can eat pizza place after school, and every time it was a lot of fun! I'm not going into detail here but let me just say that the food here is absolutely amazing! it's so good! my hostfamily eats very western, which I really like, of course they eat japanese food too, but not that much.

on friday I went to take purikura with some friends and after that we got some ince cream, yummy! the McDonald's is so much cheaper here!

on saturday I went to a school festival for the first time with some other exchange students, I had a blast! it was a lot of fun and I laughed a lot! it's fun to meet people from other nations and share your experience! some japanese people joined us, and don't be suprised; we took some purikura again!
on sunday I went sightseeing with hostparents and to an AFS meeting and after that we grabbed some lunch at the best ramen shop they knew, it was delicious! though the bowl for Ramen is huge! it's easily 3-4 normal european bowls!

third week (and forth)


this week contained some normal schooldays and on thursday and friday we prepared for the school festival, which was on saturday and sunday! this was a lot of work and since my japanese still isn't super there wasn't a lot for me to do, so sometimes it was kinda boring. but when I look back it was totally worth it since the school festival was wonderful! so much fun and so much food!!! :D I sold crepes and it was a lot of fun! after the festival on sunday there was a long concert, maybe a bit too long for my feet, man my feet hurt after that! it was fun though! and the big suprise after that; HANABI!! a lot of fireworks, the festival really ended with bang! and it was a good timing, cause at that time I was exactly one month in Japan, what a way to mark that day! :)

the day after the festival was a national holiday and we went to an american restaurant with the family, really good hamburgers! every sunday we go somewhere and have lunch out, it's great! I really like my hostfamily, they're the best! :D after that I had a meeting with my LP until around 6 and after that I went home.
and at the station I met this foreign student I see everywhere! on the train in front of me, around the station near my school and now at this station (1.5 hour away from the other station) too! it's kinda funny and made me chuckle a bit :)
the next day was cleaning day, and we cleaned the half day. the 2 days after that I had holiday, because of the festival and I went to asakusa with friends! again a lot of fun! we went to a museum about the Edo-tokyo period first, which was really interesting and after that lunch at a really cool restaurant. after lunch we went to asakusa by taxi, and went to the shrine, prayed for good luck and ate some gelato. It was a lot of fun!! :D

now this is a really big overview of the things I have done, and I wanted to describe in greater detail, but that's so much work and it would take so much time! so I'm gonna update more from now on, with (hopefully) more details! :)

See you later everyone!


woensdag 7 augustus 2013

Saying my goodbyes

so it's 15 days until I leave.. 2 weeks and one day, seems like such a short time but it doesn't feel like that. I still don't really have the nervous feelings and I haven't started freaking out yet. this week I planned a lot of things with friends, since this will probably be the last week I can for a whole year. in a week we'll go on holiday to denmark and after that it's just a few days until the 22nd.

I haven't started paking yet, but I don't really plan on doing so until about 3 days before I leave. my dad and sister left for holiday and me and my mom will meet them in denmark. I'm crazy busy with friends this week, but it's all worth it, since every day is fun.

on Friday I went shopping with the other girl from the Netherlands going to Japan, we had a great time and it was a shame she had to go back :( in the weekend I had to work, and on monday I met with a friend who I hadn't seen for almost 2 years. the weird thing was, it didn't really feel like that long, we could just talk like we used to! Tuesday was a special day, in the morning I went to have breakfast with one of my better friends at Ikea (we absolutely LOVE Ikea) and after that we went shopping. I bought an awesome denim jacket for just 5 euros, which is really cheap! after that I was going to another really good friend to watch a movie and hang out, but that changed a little!

we went to her house, greeted her parents and had a drink downstairs. after that we went upstairs to her room, and there were more friends saying 'suprise' (or verrassing in dutch) I was suprised of course and we hung out at her room for about half an hour. then we went outside walking and of course I was really curious what was going to happen. we went to a chinese/japanese restaurant where you could eat everything you wanted, it was like heaven ;p  I had such a great time and I'll really miss them! I'm so thankful to have friends like this! :)

now I'm at home waiting for yet anoter friend to come and tomorrow I'll go shopping with a friend and co-worker of mine.. man, I'm gonna miss these people!!!! a lot of people heading toward America are leaving today and I must say it's a bit weird seeing them leave and thinking I'll do the same in about 2 weeks, so close yet so far.

well, that's pretty much it, I'll now spend some time with my loved ones instead of sitting behind my laptop!


zondag 23 juni 2013

Got my hostfamily :D

Like the title says; l got my host family!!! I am so happy right now! About 2 weeks ago AFS told me about my school in Japan, it was near Tokyo. At that time I didn't know my hostfamily yet, but a couple days ago AFS let me know! They also live near Tokyo, even closer than school. I have 2 host sisters, and one of them also went on an exchange, also my hostmom went on exchange. It's great because they'll understand me a little bit better.

I emailed my hostfamily right away, and send. My older host sister a facebook request. It wad so exciting to know where I was going to live and with whom.
I don't know why but last Thursday, the day after I got my hostfamily things suddenly got real, and I have to admit they got a little bit scary. Suddenly I felt that I was really going, and so soon too. It was such a strange feeling the next day of school, thinking "this might just be my last day here in a long time.." and I felt a little nervous. But I know things are going to be okay!

So I have 2 more days of serious school in front of me, and 4 tests to take. After that I'll have summer holiday, and I could not possibly want anything else. I am so done with school for this year. In the holidays I'll try to study japanese as much as possible in order to be able to speak it a little in August.

And even though it will be a holiday I still have so many things to do! I have to buy a suitcase and pack, buy contact lenses for a whole year, clean my room out.. and much more!
But I will also take my time to spend time with friends and family these days, since I will be leaving them soon. I feel a bit sad about leaving them but they'll still be here when I return!

Well, that's pretty much it for this time!


donderdag 6 juni 2013

AFS camp and other exciting stuff

Heeeellooo everyone!

So last weekend I had the AFS orientation camp! It was the best, after an a awkward start and me being lost while actually being really close things really were fun. At first I  was a little nervous meeting all those people but everyone was really nice! 

At first (because I was late) I couldn't sleep in the same room with my friends,l and that kind of made me a little sad because then I had to sleep in a room with strangers..but I was placed in my friends room after all.
I woke up with a sore throat that saturday but chose to ignore it, and that was probably the best because otherwise I would have been sick and miserable If I admitted to it.
We played a lot of games at the camp, they all had something to do with the exchange. Most of the people were going to the United States and the rest was spread around the rest of the world.  The third person going to japan was not at the camp, he went on holiday.  Well, he sure missed some serious bonding! The first timw we will see him now is at the airport leaving for Japan,  and that will probably be a little strange since he is kind of left out. The people from the camp have become a close group of friends!

So when I left with my parents that sunday afternoon I was a little sad and down, I wouldn't see most of the people for a long time and that made me sad. But now we have plans to meet before the exchange in the summer.

So that sunday afternoon my throat started hurting more snd more, probably because I had been screaming and yelling throughout the whole camp. The next monday I woke up with a terrible throat, I could barely talk and I had gotten a cold. So since Monday I'm stuck at home being sick.

But there is a bright side! On Tuesday I got some amazing news! My AFS person told me the place of my school! I am so happy and lucky to know! My school is in kanagawa prefecture, sagamihara to be exact. Near tokyo, it is one of yhe suburbs! I am so thankful, because I could not have asked for anything better! I wwanted tk live near tokyo so bad, but the size and amount of people kind of scared me a little since I am  from a small town I  the countryside. But now I am near tokyo while still not being in  the huge city itself. I can't wait to find out about my host family, I hope I'll know soon! My mom is a little bit more at ease now that she knows where I'll be.

Another thing that I think about a lot lately; time goes so fast! Time really.flies! It feels like yesterday when It was still a 180 days and more and now it is less than 80! It really is coming close but I can't say that things feel 'real' and 'close' now because they don't.. I really can't wait to meet everyone who is alrrady in Japan and who is coming with me in august, the people I  the group are so nice!

I still haven't studied Japanese very well, and I feel I rrally should start soon! But first I have to focus on school because I really want to pass this year!
Well, that's about it for this time!


zaterdag 25 mei 2013

Such a late update

First of all, I'm so sorry! It has been way too long! I wanted to update but I postponed it every time.. so what has been going on?

The afs meeting
On april 20th I had an afs meeting with all the other afs students from the Netherlands, it was very exciting and a little awkward at first. But later we had a lot of fun, and I met the other people who are going to Japan.

The afs orientation
On the first and second of june I have my orientation camp! I'm excited but again, also nervous. I wonder what it'll be like, because after this the next thing is leaving, Time really does fly! I think the camp will be a lot of fun, and I look forward to meeting everyone! We all have one thing in commom, tge exchange and the feelings that come with it.

My school is also almost over, just a month left before the big summer holiday! In those 2 months before leaving I'll work so I have a fair amount of money to spend, and since I dropped my phone a couple weeks ago I need to buy a new one. I try to motivate myself to study japanese but I just have been so busy lately, I hope I'll get to study soon though.. well, that wad pretty much it was this super duper late update! From now on I'll try to update more!



dinsdag 16 april 2013

It's all about prepping

It has been a week since my last post, I'll get you all updated! The night after I heard the good news I also got some (in my opinion) bad news, I have to take a TB test. I hate needles, I hate them so bad! but Japan is worth it! I am not sure what kind of test I have to take, the one where you spit in a cup or the one with a neelde, I'm hoping for the first one of course!

Now, about prepping. At first I though packing was going to be a complete disaster, I mean, my life is practically in those suitcases! But then I made a list, and to be honest, it's not that much, just like packing for a holiday. Another thing is that I have no idea what I can and can't take, for instance am I allowed to put deodorant in my suitcase or not? Though packing is still very far away (well, less than 4 months but still! ), meeting my fellow AFS'ers isn't far away! this saturday I 'll travel to the other side of the country to go to a meeting from AFS. All the people going on exchange in August will be there! I am very excited to meet everyone, and it's going to be so much fun!

I don't know how to exactly explain it, but I'm living like I am dying (not meant disrespectful). I want to do so many things before I go to Japan, having the best time ever! doing fun stuff with friends and just making the best out of it, like my life will be over in August, when actually, my life will be completely new in Japan. nobody knows me, and I will start over again. And then, when I get back, I'll start all over again! a new class, and new people. but that is still so far away, and right now not worth thinking about.

Also, next week I'll go to Prague with my class, and I am super excited! I look forward to this trip, since it will probably be the last thing I'll have with this class, and on top of that, Prague is just awesome! I am sad to leave all my friends behind, but I plan to stay in touch. I don't want to lose those good friends! I am going to miss my best friend even more, but we'll still be best friends after!!

And that's about it for this week, I'll update when I can, maybe even saturday after the meeting with the other  AFS'ers!


dinsdag 9 april 2013

Just got Accepted!!

Today I got the most amazing news ever!  I was making a test, when my phone rang, of course, I turned off my phone, but called the number right after. my AFS contact person asked me of I wanted to hear good news and of course I said yes! so that was the moment when she told me "you got accepted by AFS japan" and I was so happy to hear those words! I was so excited, because now, it was sure I was going. I really am going to japan this August! unbelieveable!

It's still surreal, but I think that it will only start to feel real the moment I set foot in the plane, leaving my family and friends behind. going on a life changing journey, to a country with almost 10 times as much inhabitants then my own country, but most of all an amazing country!

I thought I should do a blog, not only for friends and family, but also for people who want to go to japan too, and for myself, so that when I am old and grumpy I can read back my memories, and will remember this great adventure! (not that I will ever forget!!!)

from now on, even though it is still far away, I will try to post a new message every week. not only about my exchange, and the process, but also about japan, japanese, and just my life. 
